Android Application Development
200 Videos
- 1 - Download and Install the Java JDK
- 2 - Installing Eclipse and Setting up the ADT
- 3 - Installing Android SDK and Set up Emulator
- 4 - Setting up an Android Project
- 5 - Overview of Project and Adding Folders
- 6 - Introduction to Layouts in XML
- 7 - Creating A Button in XML and Adding an ID
- 8 - Setting up Variables and Referencing XML ids
- 9 - Set up a Button with OnClickListener
- 10 - Using setText method for our button
- 11 - Adding Resources and Setting Background
- 12 - Setting up an Activity and Using SetContentView
- 13 - Introduction to the Android Manifest
- 14 - The Framework of a Thread
- 15 - How to Start a New Activity via Intent
- 16 - Activity Life Cycle
- 17 - Adding Music with MediaPlaye
- 18 - Create a List Menu from the ListActivity class
- 19 - Setting up an ArrayAdapter
- 20 - Starting an Activity with a Class Object
- 21 - Finishing ListActivity
- 22 - XML Introducting the EditText
- 23 - XML ToggleButton, WeightSum, and Layout Weight
- 24 - XML Padding and Setting Toggle to On
- 25 - Quick Review by setting up a new Activity
- 26 - If Toggle Button is checked
- 27 - Set the Input Type of an EditText
- 28 - Comparing Strings with else if
- 29 - Set Gravity within Java
- 30 - Setting Color of a TextView in Java
- 31 - Wheres the Fridge, thats Random
- 32 - Switch and Case
- 33 - Creating a Method
- 34 - Implementing Classes for Better Programming
- 35 - XML ScrollView and AnalogClock
- 36 - Setting up An Email Activity
- 37 - PutExtra method for an Email Intent
- 38 - XML ImageView for Camera Application
- 39 - Starting an Activity for a Result
- 40 - Getting Data from a different Activity
- 41 - Finish Camera and Wallpaper App
- 42 - Using BitmapFactory and InputStream to set Bitmap
- 43 - Set Fixed Screen Orientation
- 44 - XML Relative Layout
- 45 - RadioButtons in a RadioGroup
- 46 - Set the Radio to the OnCheckedChangeListener
- 47 - Passing a String between Activities
- 48 - Recieving Bread String from Activity
- 49 - StartActivityForResult setup
- 50 - setResult for the Start Activity For Result
- 51 - Setting up a Menu with MenuInflater
- 52 - Making MenuItems do something
- 53 - Text Activity with Theme
- 54 - Setting up Preferences
- 55 - Setting up a String array resource
- 56 - Creating a PreferenceActivity
- 57 - Accessing Preferences from an Activity
- 58 - More with Preferences
- 59 - Altered Landscape Layout
- 60 - Creating Custom Buttons
- 61 - Full Screen Activities
- 62 - Custom Animation Class
- 63 - Using a Constructor to pass Context
- 64 - Drawing Bitmaps to Canvas View
- 65 - Animating a Bitmap
- 66 - Using the Asset Folder for Typeface
- 67 - Setting up a SurfaceView class
- 68 - Setting up Animation Thread
- 69 - Locking and Unlocking a Canvas
- 70 - Establishing a Better Animation Thread
- 71 - Setting up the OnTouch Method
- 72 - Defining a Class within a Class
- 73 - Graphics Trick
- 74 - MotionEvents and Motion Actions
- 75 - Game Programming concept
- 76 - Cleaning up some Errors
- 77 - Sleeping to Achieve desired FPS
- 78 - WakeLock to keep you app from sleeping
- 79 - SoundPool helps with explosions
- 80 - Using the OnLongClick method
- 81 - SlidingDrawer Example
- 82 - Introduction to the FrameLayout
- 83 - Methods of the SlidingDrawer
- 84 - Tabs setup with TabHost
- 85 - Setting up the TabHost in Java
- 86 - Creating Tabs in Java
- 87 - Getting the Time from the System
- 88 - Formatting and using the Modulus
- 89 - Create a Browser with WebView
- 90 - WebView navigation methods
- 91 - Set WebView Client for a Brower app
- 92 - WebView Settings
- 93 - Hiding the Keyboard
- 94 - ViewFlipper Example
- 95 - Saving Data with SharedPreferences
- 96 - SharedPreferences Editor
- 97 - Loading SharedPreferences Data
- 98 - File Output Stream for Internal Storage
- 99 - Writing Data to File Output Stream
- 100 - File Input Stream
- 101 - Async Task class to load stuff
- 102 - The 4 AsyncTask Methods
- 103 - ProgressDialog and Correction
- 104 - External Storage State
- 105 - Spinners and ArrayAdapter
- 106 - OnItemSelected and File Directories
- 107 - Toggling Visibility
- 108 - InputStream and OutputStream
- 109 - Write External Data Permission
- 110 - Media Scanner Connection
- 111 - TableLayout and Intro SQLite Database
- 112 - Setting up SQLite Database Variables
- 113 - SQLite class implementing SQLiteOpenHelper
- 114 - Creating SQLite Database
- 115 - Opening SQLite database to write
- 116 - Closing SQLite Database
- 117 - Inserting Data into SQLite Database
- 118 - How to Create a Dialog
- 119 - Setting up method to Read SQLite
- 120 - Reading SQLite Database with Cursor
- 121 - Setting up more SQLite methods
- 122 - Getting a Specific Entry
- 123 - Updating SQLite Entry
- 124 - Deleting Entry from SQLite Database
- 125 - Setting up a Accelerometer class
- 126 - Setting up Sensor Manager
- 127 - OnSensorChanged accelerometer method
- 128 - Finishing Accelerometer and unregistering
- 129 - Setting up a Google Maps Activity
- 130 - Obtaining Google Maps API debug key
- 131 - Displaying the MapView
- 132 - MapView Overlay
- 133 - Overlay MotionEvent time
- 134 - AlertDialog methods and ClickListener
- 135 - Compass and Map Controller
- 136 - Geocoder and GeoPoint
- 137 - Geocoding a Location for an Address
- 138 - Toggling Street and Satellite views
- 139 - ItemizedOverlay to draw on our Map
- 140 - Creating a Custom pinpoint
- 141 - Placing a Pinpoint on a MapView
- 142 - LocationManager and Location Permissions
- 143 - Criteria and getting Location
- 144 - Updating with OnLocationChanged method
- 145 - Exporting apk and signing keystore
- 146 - Obtaining Key for a specific Project
- 147 - Introduction to HttpClient
- 148 - Executing HttpGet on a Http Client
- 149 - Viewing Internet data via StringBuffer
- 150 - Introduction to JSON parsing
- 151 - JSONArrays and JSONObjects
- 152 - Appending with StringBuilder
- 153 - Reading JSON information
- 154 - Setting up XML Parsing Project
- 155 - StringBuilder and XML Parsing Framework
- 156 - Setting up a parsed XML data collection class
- 157 - SAXParserFactory and XMLReader
- 158 - Start Element method
- 159 - Finishing XML parser
- 160 - Creating a Widget receiver
- 161 - Setting up Widget Configuration Activity
- 162 - Basic Widget Design
- 163 - Updating and Deleting Widget
- 164 - Updating a Widget TextView
- 165 - Setting up Widget Configuration Class
- 166 - Relating Context with the Widget Manager
- 167 - PendingIntent and widget Buttons
- 168 - Introduction to OpenGL ES
- 169 - OpenGL Renderer Basics
- 170 - Rendering A Background
- 171 - OpenGl 2D vertices
- 172 - Byte and Float Buffers
- 173 - ShortBuffer to handle Indices
- 174 - Creating Draw method for OpenGL
- 175 - glDrawElements method
- 176 - OpenGL Boosting Performance
- 177 - On Surface Changed
- 178 - Using GLU to set up the Camera
- 179 - 3D Cube Intro
- 180 - Indices of a Cube
- 181 - OpenGL Culling
- 182 - 3D Rotation
- 183 - OpenGL Vertex Color Buffer
- 184 - Stock Android SDK Themes
- 185 - Voice Recognition
- 186 - Voice Recognition Result
- 187 - Text to Speech
- 188 - Set Language and Speak
- 189 - Notifiying Status Bar
- 190 - Setting up a Notification
- 191 - Notification Manager Methods
- 192 - AudioManager Methods
- 193 - Changing the Volume with a SeekBar
- 194 - Downloading Admob SDK
- 195 - Adding External Jar
- 196 - Adding Admob Ad via XML
- 197 - Adding Ad Unit Id and Ad Size
- 198 - Adding Admob Ads via Java
- 199 - Putting an App on the Market
- 200 - Updating Application
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